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Statistics of Services provided to Enterprises - 2007
Issue year: 2008


The publication Statistics of Services provided to enterprises 2004-2007 presents the following outcome:

 - in 2007, the services provided within the areas of Computing; Legal activities; Accounting, auditing and consultancy;
Market research and public opinion polling; Architecture and engineering; Technical testing and analysis; Advertising
and Labour recruitment and personnel placement, were carried out by 45 565 entities, which employed 264 314
people and achieved a turnover value above 13 billion euros;
 - Enterprises with less than 10 employees accounted for 95% of the entities surveyed, in 2007;
 - Out of the total turnover generated, 80% was concentrated on the Lisbon region, in 2007;
 - Main clients are within the private sector and sales are mostly directed towards the domestic market;
 - Audiovisual services were comprised, in 2006, by 2 867 entities that employed 11 386 people;
 - in 2006, business revenue generated by Audiovisual services exceeded 1.2 billion euros, of which television and
radio accounted for 66%.

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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Estatísticas dos Serviços Prestados às Empresas : 2007. Lisboa : INE, 2008. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 1646-2513. ISBN 978-972-673-976-0

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