Yes, at Statistics Portugal Portal> Database> Theme: Environment> Subtheme: Waste, you can access the available indicators:
· Urban waste collected per inhabitant (kg/ inhab.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); Annual (available up to Municipality level).
· Urban waste selectively collected per inhabitant (kg/ inhab.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); Annual (available up to Municipality level). |
· Sectorial waste per capita (kg/ inhab.) by Type of waste (CER-stat) and Type of waste management operation; Annual (available since 2008 for NUTS Portugal only).
It should be noted that, in the Database, the tables of the selected indicators show by default the most recent and aggregated information. However, they can be changed through the option “Change selection conditions” to obtain finer breakdowns in the dimensions of indicators, where applicable, and/or other reporting periods.