In 2023, the resident population in Portugal was estimated at 10,639,726 people, which represented an increase of 123,105 inhabitants compared to the previous year.
The number of live births was 85,699, following an increase of 2.4% compared to 2022 (83,671). The Total Fertility Rate rose to 1.44 children per woman (1.43 in 2022). The mean age of women at childbirth was 31.6 years (31.7 years in 2022), and the mean age at first childbirth was 30.2 years (30.3 years in 2022).
The number of deaths was 118,295, down 4.9% compared to 2022 (124,361). The number of infant deaths was 210, nine less than in 2022. The infant mortality rate fell to 2.5 deaths per thousand live births (2.6‰ in 2022).
In 2023, 36,980 marriages took place in Portugal, 28 more marriages than in the previous year (36,952). The mean age at first marriage was 35.8 years for men and 34.3 years for women (35.1 years and 33.7 years, respectively, in 2022).
It is estimated that in 2023, 189,367 permanent immigrants will have entered Portugal, 13.3% more than in 2022 (167,098), and 33,666 permanent emigrants will have left, 8.8% more than in 2022 (30,954). Net migration was positive (155,701) for the seventh consecutive year (136,144 in 2022).
In 2023, 102,528 visas were granted at Portuguese consular posts, an increase of 47.1% compared to 2022 (69,681 visas): 21,113 for temporary stay and 81,415 for residence.
In 2023, 41,393 foreigners acquired Portuguese nationality, a number 10.5% lower than in 2022 (46,229): 16,985 acquisitions of nationality were by residents in Portugal and 24,408 by residents abroad.
See the Publication (only available in Portuguese)