In the framework of a protocol signed between the two entities, Tax and Customs Authority transmits monthly information to Statistics Portugal obtained through the E-invoice system (E-fatura). This information allows the evaluation of the economy behaviour from a regional perspective in the period from March (beginning of the pandemic economic effects) to November 2020 (last month available) compared to the same period in 2019. Some of the main findings:
• In Portugal, between March and November of 2020, there was a homologous decrease of -14.8% in the invoicing value and, recording values above the national average, the Algarve (-29.1%), Região Autónoma da Madeira (-21.9%) and Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (-18.4%) stood out. In Portugal and in all NUTS 2 regions, this contraction was more intense from March to May (-23.1% in Portugal), the period of the confinement associated with the 1st Emergency State.
• From March to November 2020, the invoicing values of the Accommodation activities and Arts, entertainment, sports and recreation activities represented less than half of the invoiced amount in the same period of 2019. In 21 out of the 25 NUTS 3 sub-regions, the Accommodation activities were also the branch with the highest homologous contraction in the invoicing value. In contrast, in 12 sub-regions, the Information and Communication branch scored the most positive performance.
• The sub-regions Tâmega e Sousa and Área Metropolitana do Porto with a number of COVID-19 confirmed cases per 100 thousand inhabitants higher than the national average in the period under analysis, were the sub-regions with a decrease in the invoicing value lower than the country. In the opposite side, Algarve, Região Autónoma da Madeira and Alentejo Litoral scored a number of confirmed cases lower than the national value and a contraction of the invoiced value relatively more pronounced.
STATSLAB – Statistics in development