In 2018, there were 6 825 foreign affiliates in Portugal, employing around 487 thousand persons and representing, respectively, 1.7% and 15.7% of the total non-financial companies. On average, each affiliate employed around 71 persons in 2018 (+3.3 p.p. than in 2017), far above the national companies (employing on average around 8 persons per company). In 2018, GVA of foreign affiliates in Portugal reached EUR 22.0 billion, increasing 4.8%, below the growth observed in national companies (+5.9%). Also in 2017, the growth of foreign affiliates was lower than that of national companies (+7.6% and +8.8%, respectively).
From the total GVA generated by foreign affiliates in 2018, 73.9% was relative to companies owned by entities headquartered on European Union member states.
GVA of foreign affiliates with an exporting profile (41.3% of total GVA of foreign affiliates) grew by 8.1% in 2018 (+20.1% in 2017), more than three times the increase recorded by non-exporting affiliates (+2.5%; +0.7% in 2017).
The apparent labour productivity of foreign affiliates was, on average, higher in foreign affiliates than in national companies around EUR 18.1 thousand. The monthly remuneration per person employed in foreign affiliates, in 2018, was EUR 1,354, the highest since 2010.