In 2015 there were 6 239 foreign affiliates in Portugal, corresponding to 1.7% of the total amount of non-financial companies, percentage that remains the same from 2014.
Considering the total of the non-financial business sector, in 2015, the foreign affiliates were responsible for 25.3% of turnover, 24.8% of total GVA and 15.1% of persons employed. In terms of annual rate changes, they registered a nominal growth of 5.6% on turnover, 11.9% on GVA and an increase of 4.1% on the persons employed. The growth of GVA and employment widely supplanted the values observed for the other non-financial companies which registered increases of 2.8% and 3.4%, respectively.
The growth of the GVA in 2015 was mainly justified by the acquisition of a Portuguese telecommunications large dimension company by a European multinational. Excluding the Information and Communication sector, the GVA’s growth would be 4%, still above of the verified growth of other group of non-financial companies.
More than 75% of foreign affiliates were controlled by companies headquartered in EU member-states, with special importance to Spain, France and Germany which are still occupying the top three positions in terms of number of affiliates, GVA and persons employed.
The foreign affiliates with exporting profile corresponded to 25.7% of the overall foreign control and were responsible for 36.2% of GVA in 2015.