In 2014 there were 5 521 foreign affiliates in Portugal, corresponding to 1.5% of the total non-financial companies (1.6% in 2013), responsible for 23.2% of Turnover (23.3% in 2013) and 21.8% of the GVA (21.9% in 2013) generated by non-financial companies.
Around 75% of the foreign affiliates had their decision centre in one country of the European Union. Spain, once more, controlled the largest number of foreign affiliates operating in Portugal (27.2%). However, in 2014, France was the main country of origin of capital control, holding 17.0% of GVA (EUR 2.6 billion). Spain (16.6%) and Germany (16.2%) were second and third in the ranking.
The foreign affiliates with exporting profile corresponded to 28.3% of the overall foreign affiliates and were responsible for 40.3% of GVA generated in 2014.