Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Maria João Gaspar Tavares Zilhão

Academic Degrees:

Master Degree in Statistics and Information Management, Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão da Informação, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1996).
Licenciatura in Economics, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (1990).

1 - Personal Information

Name: Maria João Gaspar Tavares Zilhão. Birthdate: 1966

2 - Academic Degrees

Master Degree in Statistics and Information Management, Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão da Informação, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1996).
Licenciatura in Economics, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (1990).

3 - Professional experience

Since January 2018, Member of the Board of Directors of Statistics Portugal (INE). Some activities stand out: Portuguese representation at the United Nations Statistical Committee and at the UNECE Conference of European Statisticians - Geneva; INE Certification by ISO Standard 9001 in Quality Management and ISO 27001 in Information Security Management Systems, within the scope of INE's Integrated Management System; the Implementation of the European Statistics Code of Practice in its 2017 version and the carrying out of Reviews to other countries using the same Code; the Organization in Portugal of the 11th European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics (Q2024) from 4 to 7 June 2024 at the Estoril Congress Center; and the promotion of development cooperation in the area of statistics, in particular with CPLP countries.

President of the Working Party on Statistics of the Council of the European Union, during the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2021.

April 2020 / May 2024 – Chair of the Peer Reviewers team within the scope of the 3rd round of Peer Reviews on the implementation of the European Statistics Code of Practice to Member States of the European Union (activity carried out within the scope of the European Statistical System cooperation on behalf of the INE).

May 2018/ …. - President of the Standing Section on Statistical Coordination of the Statistics Council and member of this Council representing INE since January 2018.

January 2018/February 2023 – Expert of the Recruitment and Selection Committee for Public Administration – CRESAP, in the government area of the Presidency.

February 2023/... – Substitute for the non-effective member of the Recruitment and Selection Committee for Public Administration – CRESAP, from the Presidency’s government area.

2007 / January 2018 - Director of the Planning, Control and Quality Service of the National Statistics Institute (INE) I.P., dependent on the President of INE, who is responsible for coordinating activities related to the implementation of INE's Quality Management System and those of strategic and operational planning at the level of the entire Institution. The responsibilities and tasks of both areas – Quality Management in Statistics and Planning – fall within the National and European Statistical Systems and imply strong coordination with all INE Organic Units (in terms of statistical and Institute management processes), with the Entities that have Delegation of Competences from INE for the production of official statistics and with the Eurostat structures (at the Quality in Statistics and Planning and Coordination levels).

Statistician at Statistics Portugal, since October 1990, and until January 2018 she had worked at INE for 27 years, of which:

  • 18 years as a manager;
  • 22 years of experience in the areas of quality in statistics, 12 years of which were simultaneously in the area of strategic and operational planning;
  • 5 years as a Statistician in the area of Agricultural Economic Statistics, in which developed a Master's thesis.

Coordination and performance of Quality Audits, mainly regarding the statistical production process, in various fields.

Experience as a trainer with special relevance in the theme “Quality Management in Statistics”, in training actions at national and European levels and within the scope of international cooperation projects.

Member of several technical working groups, equally at national and European levels, in the areas of quality management in statistics, coordination and planning, Peer Reviews, among others, i.e. innovative projects, transversal to the entire Institute and/or in connection with Eurostat.

Throughout the professional career — Presentation of communications at International Conferences and Seminars, including the European Conference on Quality in Statistics (member of the Programming Committee for 10 editions – from 2001 to 2024) and the 56th, 57th 2nd and 64th Sessions of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), respectively in 2007 (Lisbon), in 2009 (Durban, RAS) and in 2022 (Ottawa, Canada).

Fluency in English.