Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Publication cover  
Integrated system of input-output matrixes : 2013
The publication Integrated System of Input-Output Matrixes presents the matrixes for the Portuguese Economy, concerning the year 2013. Along with this publication, and also in the website of Statistics Portugal (in the section dedicated to National Accounts), it is made available the full set of ...

Issue year: 2017

Publication cover  
Satellite account for social economy : 2010
This publication presents the results of the pilot project of the Satellite Account for Social Economy (SASE) for the year 2010 and the survey on Volunteer Work for 2012. The characterization of Social Economy sector in Portugal was based on the analysis, by type of activity, of the number of ...

Issue year: 2013

Date of update
Geographical Level
Gross domestic product at prices chained volume levels (B.1*g) (Year-on-year growth rate - Base 2016 - %); Quarterly 30-08-2024 Portugal
Gross domestic product at prices chained volume levels (B.1*g) (Base 2016 - €); Quarterly 30-08-2024 Portugal
Gross domestic product (B.1*g) at current prices (Year-on-year growth rate - Base 2016 - %); Quarterly 30-08-2024 Portugal
Gross domestic product (B.1*g) at current prices (Base 2016 - €); Quarterly 30-08-2024 Portugal
GVA generated by tourism as a proportion of total GVA (Base 2016 - %); Annual 01-08-2024 Portugal