Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
  Portuguese National Accounts - ESA2010, base 2016 Portuguese National Accounts - ESA2010, base 2011 Portuguese National Accounts - ESA1995, base 2006  
Methodological information on Base 2011 Portuguese National Accounts, ESA 2010
ESA 2010 is the new European methodological framework for National and Regional Accounts, being mandatory in the EU, under the respective Regulations, approved in June 2013. All information regarding National Accounts published after 1st September 2014 follows this manual (ESA 2010).

The implementation of the new ESA 2010 is necessary in order to ensure the update of methodological standards, classifications and rules for recording, so that they follow the structural changes occurring in the economies. ESA 2010 is coherent, in its fundamentals principles, with the United Nations’ System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA), which ensure international harmonization of methods and comparability of results across regions, countries or geographic areas.

ESA 2010 is consistent with the 6th version of Balance of Payments Manual and International Investment Position, thereby contributing to the overall coherence of the system.

Statistics Portugal provides the main manuals of legal and institutional nature, as well as some specific documentation. Statistical data is available in this link