Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Please refer to the following indicator: SMS (Source: ANACOM) on the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website. ...

Please refer to the following indicator: MMS (Source: ANACOM) on the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website. ...

Please refer to the following indicator: inhabitants per post office (SOURCE: Statistics Portugal – Postal services statistics) on the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website. ...

The latest data on the transport of goods can be found on the Statistics Portugal’s website in ‘Products/ Database‘, ‘Transport and Communication’ theme, ‘Sea and ...

Please refer to the following indicator: Hotspots - Wi-Fi (No.); Annual - (Source: ANACOM ) on the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website. ...

Please refer to the following indicator: Postal (SOURCE: ANACOM) on the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website. ...

On the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website you can find some indicators on this information Movement of commercial vessels (Source: Statistics Portugal - Maritime transport of ...

The latest data on the transport of goods can be found on the Statistics Portugal’s website in ‘ Products/ Database‘, ‘Transport and Communication’ theme, ‘Land ...

Please refer to the following indicator: Revenue from telecommunication services (€) by type of service; Annual ) (Source: ANACOM ) on the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website. ...

On the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website you can find some indicators on this information: Road motors (SOURCE: Statistics Portugal, vehicle fleet statistics) ...