Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

At Statistics Portugal website, if you click on the Products option from the drop-down menu, several possibilities are available: 1 Thematic folders > Territory The Territory folder is organised ...

In the following publication: Study on the Local Purchasing Power ...

It is the statistical sub-section, which is the territorial unit that identifies the smallest homogenous (construction) area in a statistical section. It corresponds to the block in urban areas, to ...

You can analyse the press release published in February 2013 on the start of the latest series in force (2012 base year): and other references therein, namely the methodological document on the ...

Statistics Portugal releases regular information on indices and rates of change in consumer price indices at national and Mainland level. This information can be found on the Statistics ...

A social protection function is the primary objective for which social protection is provided to households or individual persons, so as to reduce the burden resulting from a set of risks or needs, ...

Statistics Portugal does not issue an opinion on the conditions or criteria to be considered in agreements between the parties to a specific contract on the updating of the values therein. Statistics ...

Social protection means all types of intervention by public or private bodies with the purpose of reducing for households and individual persons the burden resulting from a specific set of risks or ...

Social benefits are transfers, in cash or in kind, to households or individual persons, mens-tested or not, by social protection schemes, targeted at reducing the burden for beneficiaries of ...

A ‘ beneficiary ‘ is a person registered as entitled to social protection, within the scope of contributory and non-contributory social security schemes. A ‘ pensioner ‘ is ...