Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
Statistics Portugal chaired the EU Council on Statistics

Statistics Portugal held the Presidency of the Council Working Party on Statistics, in the context of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU, during the 1st semester of 2021. To know more, please visit the PT PRES page on statistics:
Coopstat News - newsletter on Statistics Portugal International Cooperation

This bilingual newsletter, every six months, is devoted to Statistics Portugal cooperation activities carried out, at a bilateral level with the Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP), the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP) and with other third countries and, at a multilateral level, within the European Statistical System, the UN and the OECD.

This publication is intended to establish links between the various international partners and to provide all those who are interested in statistical cooperation the opportunity to follow the performance of Statistics Portugal worldwide.
If you want to subscribe and receive the newsletter Coopstat News directly in your inbox, please Click here.
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 26  PDF EZine (Flash)  August – December 2024
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 25  PDF EZine (Flash)  January – July 2024
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 24  PDF EZine (Flash)  January – December 2023
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 23  PDF EZine (Flash)  July – December 2022
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 22  PDF  EZine (Flash)  January – July 2022
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 21  PDF  EZine (Flash)  January – December 2021
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 20  PDF  EZine (Flash)  August 2019 – February 2020
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 20  PDF  EZine (Flash)  August 2019 – February 2020
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 19  PDF  EZine (Flash)  January - July 2019
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 18 PDF  EZine (Flash)  June - December 2018
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 17 PDF  EZine (Flash)  August 2017 - May 2018
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 16 PDF  EZine (Flash)  March - July 2017
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 15 PDF  EZine (Flash)  July 2016 - February 2017
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 14  PDF  EZine (Flash)  January - July 2016
 COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 13 PDF  EZine (Flash)  July - December 2015
COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 12 PDF  EZine (Flash)  January - July 2015
COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 11 PDF  EZine (Flash)  August - December 2014
COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 10 PDF  EZine (Flash)  January - July 2014
COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 9 PDF  EZine (Flash)  August - December 2013
COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 8 PDF  EZine (Flash)  April - July 2013
COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 7 PDF  EZine (Flash)  July 2012 - March 2013
COOPSTAT NEWS N.º 6 PDF  EZine (Flash)  January - June 2012

CPLP in Figures 2015

In the VI CPLP Statistical Conference (Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries), held in Dili from 8 to 10 June 2015, the publication of a bilingual (Portuguese and English) and biennial brochure, entitled “CPLP in Figures”, was unanimously approved, aiming to provide relevant indicators on the Portuguese-speaking countries, allowing thereby to trace their demographic and socio-economic picture.

Statistics Portugal was assigned the task of designing, implementing and coordinating the “CPLP in Figures 2015”, em estreita articulação com as autoridades estatísticas de Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique, Portugal, São Tomé e Príncipe e Timor-Leste.

“CPLP in Figures 2015” follows on from previous initiatives of similar nature - such as “CPLP Statistics” (published in 2012, 2004 and 1998), providing twenty-six indicators on six thematic areas, for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013.
CPLP Statistics

The Presidents and Directors General of Statistics of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP) gathered in Luanda on 22 and 23 June 2012, have considered of great interest republishing "CPLP Statistics", edited for the first time in 1998 and subsequently in 2004, committing to a third edition in 2012. The publication builds on the statistical data of the two previous publications and enables the user to perform an evolving analysis of the available variables on different areas of activity. From this perspective, this edition presents statistical information in the form of time series (2003-2010) and, in general, with comparable data for the eight CPLP Member States (Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, Sao Tome and Principe and Timor-Leste).

The edition "CPLP Statistics 2012" is a project implemented by Statistics Portugal in close partnership with INE-Mozambique, which started in September 2011. Its achievement however was only made possible with the support and collaboration of the National Statistical Institutes (NSI) of all the CPLP member countries, whose focal points have provided and / or confirmed the statistical information in this publication. This third edition consists of 123 statistical tables, grouped into 19 chapters or statistical areas, corresponding broadly to the territory, the population and the economy. Together with the statistical data available, data analysis and graphics are included on the topics of each chapter in the publication.