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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
Statistics Portugal's Quality Policy

The activity of the Instituto Nacional de Estatística I.P. (INE), the central body for the production and dissemination of official statistics in Portugal, is guided by its mission, vision and values, which are publicly disclosed and in which quality is a central aspect.

In the national and European legislative framework, quality in statistics is defined by Law no. 22/2008, article 7, and by Regulation (EC) no. 223/2009 (amended by Regulation no. 2015/759 and Regulation no. 2024/3018), respectively. As part of the European Statistical System, Statistics Portugal has adopted the European Statistics Code of Practice as a reference for its work since its first edition (2005). The Code of Practice includes the Quality Declaration of the European Statistical System, 16 principles that are broken down into a set of 84 indicators of good practice, which define the European benchmarks in statistical activity, for the institutional framework, for the production processes and for the statistical information itself. Although all the principles are important, the commitment to Quality stands out:

Principle 4 - Commitment to Quality

“Statistical authorities make a commitment to quality and systematically and regularly identify strengths and weaknesses in order to continuously improve the quality of statistical procedures and production.”

The implementation of the Code of Practice in the Member States can be assisted by the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) document, which recommends possible actions to be implemented at institutional and process level for each indicator of the respective Code.

As part of its mission and in line with the European Statistics Code of Practice, Statistics Portugal carries out its activity based on solid methodologies, appropriate procedures, following international best practices, and extensive documentation of concepts and classifications, included in its Metadata System. Statistics Portugal produces and disseminates statistics impartially, objectively and transparently, treating all users equally, in accordance with its Dissemination Policy. All these aspects contribute to the soundness of statistics and the perceived quality of the institution. Communication on the part of Statistics Portugal is also essential in order to convey confidence in statistics to users.

The commitment to quality must be unequivocal and constant in the management of the relationship with users and information providers, who understand the quality of the statistics produced, the services and products, the technicians and the overall image of the institution, now and in the future. With this in mind, Statistics Portugal's Quality Charter was drawn up, which sets out Statistics Portugal's public commitments with regard to:
  • Information security;
  • Relations with information providers;
  • Relations with users;
  • Review of released statistical data;
  • Dissemination of statistical information;
  • Availability of publications and other information dissemination products;
  • Responding to requests for statistical information;
  • Welcoming and serving the public;
  • Managing suggestions and complaints;
  • Evaluation of satisfaction levels;
  • Management of human resources;
  • Cooperation with external entities.
Statistics Portugal's activity is also framed by the General Guidelines for Official Statistical Activity, which include the strategic objectives and respective lines of action of the National Statistical System, in which aspects related to quality are highlighted.

In establishing the quality management system, Statistics Portugal's Administration Board assumes this policy and the commitments set out in it, follows the principles of the ISO 9001 Standard and complies with its requirements, adopting a systematic approach and managing processes according to the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle (continuous improvement).

This system comprises a set of instruments, methods and activities which, as described in its reference documents, cover process documentation, performance evaluation and relations with users. These are: internal and external audits, in which we highlight the Peer Review exercises (in an approach similar to that of an external audit); management and performance indicators and instruments, in which we highlight Statistics Portugal's Assessment and Accountability Framework (QUAR), integrated into the Public Administration's Performance Management and Assessment System (SIADAP), including a specific set of quality assessment indicators; satisfaction surveys of information providers and users in relation to the various services provided by Statistics Portugal (in accordance with the principles of ISO Standard 10004); compliments, suggestions and complaints management system (in accordance with the principles of ISO Standard 10002); documentation system (examples: methodological documents available in the Metadata System, quality reports on statistical operations, as well as internal policies and procedures). In terms of Quality Reports, Statistics Portugal reports to Eurostat in accordance with the European Standard format - European Statistical System (ESS) handbook for quality and metadata reports. Some quality reports are available by operation on the Eurostat website by statistical domain.

Other documents guiding the quality policy:

Statistics Portugal's Quality Policy, Last modified: 2025/02/21