Award - Healthy Workplaces Award 2024
Statistics Portugal has been awarded the Level 3 seal of the Healthy Workplaces Award 2024.
This award recognises Statistics Portugal’s organisational health and well-being strategy, highlighting the institution's ongoing work to achieve greater efficiency and value for its employees by promoting a culture of prevention and high levels of health and safety.
This is the third time that Statistics Portugal has participated in this competition. In 2017, the Institute was awarded first place and was a pioneer in public administration for creating a committee dedicated to the integration of health and safety at work.
The Healthy Workplaces Award is an initiative of the Portuguese Association of Psychologists that aims to promote and publicise the best practices in occupational safety, health and well-being in Portugal, recognising those that best demonstrate a strong commitment and participatory approach to the management of psychosocial risks and occupational health, as well as promoting conditions that support the health and well-being of workers.
This award is developed in partnership with the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT) and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).